Friday, May 15, 2009

Inexpensive Auto Repair

My car overheated one day and we started investigating and realized there was a leak.
My husband spent all day last Saturday working on the car and got the problem fixed. So we thought.
Sunday when I drove it to church I saw it was still leaking.
We parked the car and have been trying to figure all this mess out.
So today I took my car into the shop to find out where the leak was coming from. They figured it out, gave me a quote, we chit chatted, I got in my car and drove home.....
Now that people, is how you save money in car repairs!!!

*I called the shop and told them I would be in later to pay and I did!
I did not have them fix the leak as hubby and I decided if it was too much $$ he would fix the car himself. Well.....he is fixing the car himself.

We are taking pics at various stages of the tear down to help jog his memory!

Dance Pictures

Here are some pics I took of the girls before we headed to the dance studio to have class pics taken.
Their recital is May 29th.
They are taking Jazz/Hip Hop

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shed Hunting

This is not a favorite sport of mine or the girls.
Allen loves to go out in the spring and look for the antlers the Elk have shed.
Our biggest find was a skull which we left there!!!


I know I am really behind on my blogging.
The girls are growing up so quickly!!
Easter 2009
Allen did not want his picture taken so this is just me and my girls!!

Mommy's Helpers

I had a very busy day and my daughter asked me if I needed an extra hand in the kitchen.
I said, "Of course"!!
This is what I got:

I Told You So

Don't you just love it when you can say, I told you so" to someone?
Well, a while back my daughter decided she wanted to put her short hair in rollers overnight.
I warned her that her hair would be really curly in the morning and probably not the look she was after.
Well, she was determined to do her own thing so I rolled her hair for her.
Need I say anything more!!
Just check out the pics.

Live and Learn.