Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Saturdays Outing

Saturday we went on a little beach hike.
Roasted hot dogs and s'mores were on the menu!!
Here are a few pics of the day.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Flower Girl

In November I have the privilege of being a flower girl in my sisters wedding.
Weird huh???
OK, here is the deal... my sister Sue, and her husband are renewing their wedding vows!!
Sue has asked me and our oldest sister if we would be flower girls, so of course we said yes, because every overweight, over 40 girl wants to wear a little-bo-peep dress!!! Actually, Sue has left the decision of what to wear up to us. That was a bave move on her part, considering I have an ornery streak a mile wide!!!
We have decided to make something for the 2 of us to wear.
Sue, has chosen pink, white and black for the vow renewal ceremony colors (WOW!!).
I found this fabric for $2.50 a yard and patterns were on sale for $.99.
Check back later and see what I came up with!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Goal

OK, you all, I am going to make myself accountable to a few more people!!
If you look closely at our family picture at the top of my blog you will see that I am a little fluffy!!! (Which is exactly why the girls are standing right in front of me!!!) My goal is to lose a total of 30 pounds by Thanksgiving!! So far I have lost around 15!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!! Go me. I am not going cuckoo with this, but I am walking approx. 30-40 minutes every day, and reduced my desserts to one day a week.
I am telling you right now that the thing I absolutely crave the most is Reese's peanut butter cups. YUM!

I tried on a shirt today that I have had for a couple of years (or longer) and believe it or not the thing actually fit!! It was a little tight in the arms, but at least the chest area looked normal!! It was a very good feeling!!

Anywho's that is my goal and now it is out for the whole world to see.

Yes, I know I used way too many exclamation points in this post, but when you are talking about losing weight they just gotta be included!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas is Coming

Well, Christmas is not too far away.
I have decided not to buy any presents for the extended family.
(depending on the job situation, it might be for immediate family also)
I spent the evening at my moms house coming up with gift ideas for nieces and nephews without spending any money!!
Well, I think I have come up with some terrific ideas.
I searched my closets and found items previously purchased for WHATEVER!!

I love a good clearance sale.

I will post the gift items at a later date.
Some family members are soooooo nosy!!

God is

Yes, God is.
And He is so much more....
God is:
Good ... even when life is bad
Faithful ... even when we fail
Loving ... even when we sin
All knowing ... so we just need to relax and let Him do His thing!!!

We found out yesterday that my husband might be out of a job.
The mill he works at has undergone MAJOR changes in the last year.
Apparently someone in the office decided to layoff 80 more people!!
We do not know when we will know, it could be tomorrow, or next week, or.......

Whatever happens He already knows, and He will take care of us.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


A couple days ago I posted about not being able to find our multiplication CD, well...we found it. I guess I should say my daughter found it. It was hiding in a CD case for a different CD. Go figure!! I guess this next week we will be brushing up on our times tables. I am sure it was found with mixed feelings!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fort Worden

My husabnd has been intrigued with Fort Worden State Park ever since he went there as a child.
We have gone a couple of times since we have been married, but this was the first time we took the girls.
I guess the old forts are mostly a boy thing 'cause our girls were not too thrilled about walking in the old tunnels. I am not sure if me running out full speed ahead mumbling something about a bat had anything to do with it or not!!
Allen has always wanted to stay in an officers house so we finally did!
The out side was in desperate need of a new coat of paint, while the inside was very clean. I was impressed with the cleanliness. NO dog hair on the bed sheets!!
(Yellowstone could learn something from these people!)
We had a short (1 night), but, pleasant stay.
The first day we checked out the museum and then for 3 hours walked among all the forts. I was able to relax and read a book in the evening!! WOO HOO.

We wish we would have been able to stay longer, but we enjoyed the time anyways.


I would love to be able to sit down at my computer and ramble on about everything that has happened today, but, I am not sure what was accomplished today, so I will tell you what did not get done.
*The multiplication CD that we misplaced did not get found
*My 30 minute walk did not get walked
*The laundry that is piling up did not get washed
*The dirty dishes did not get washed (yet)
*The floors did not get mopped (They did get mopped last Tuesday!!)
*The girls did not finish cleaning their bedroom

As I am typing this I did think of some things we did today and it makes me feel pretty good!!

*My craft table in my office got part way cleaned while looking for the Multiplication CD!!
*I cleaned out from under the girls' beds and got a good start on cleaning their room while looking for the multiplication CD!!
*Oldest daughter read a whole book on Christopher Columbus while waiting for me to find the multiplication CD!!
*Youngest daughter read a bunch of sight words to me since we couldn't find the Multiplication CD!!
*My husband went grocery shopping with me(after he got home!!
*I made dinner, and everyone liked it and got full!!
*I actually signed into my blog and wrote something!!
*And most importantly I was able to read my Bible study this morning before the day took off!!!!

I guess it wasn't a wasted day after all!!!