Friday, May 15, 2009

Inexpensive Auto Repair

My car overheated one day and we started investigating and realized there was a leak.
My husband spent all day last Saturday working on the car and got the problem fixed. So we thought.
Sunday when I drove it to church I saw it was still leaking.
We parked the car and have been trying to figure all this mess out.
So today I took my car into the shop to find out where the leak was coming from. They figured it out, gave me a quote, we chit chatted, I got in my car and drove home.....
Now that people, is how you save money in car repairs!!!

*I called the shop and told them I would be in later to pay and I did!
I did not have them fix the leak as hubby and I decided if it was too much $$ he would fix the car himself. Well.....he is fixing the car himself.

We are taking pics at various stages of the tear down to help jog his memory!

1 comment:

Leingang Family said...

You'll have to keep us up to date on this one... :o)