Friday, January 23, 2009


I am terribly sorry it has been so long since my last post.
Life just seemed to open up and swallow me!!
I have been compiling all the class information for our homeschool co-op.
The classes were announced earlier this week, so I was hustling to get all the proofing and last minute changes done. In the midst of working on all the co-op stuff my computer developed a BAD virus and had to be carried out on a stretcher. They were not able to delete the virus, so they had to reconfigure my 'puter. I am back online now and it feels good!!! Due to my computer "crashing" I was inspired(funny how having strangers in your house "inspires" you!!!)to clean my home office.
There was just a small path from the door to the desk, but now you can actually walk without knocking stuff down and causing a major earthquake.
I am still working on organizing the craft side of the room so please be patient with me!!


Leingang Family said...

The answer to the question, "how are you?" lately has been "crazy!". It has to slow down eventually, right?

Adrianne said...

Oh you need to post some photos of your crafts! I would love to see what you're working on. I like scrapbooking and card making, but we moved a few months ago and all of my stuff is still packed. Although now, since I've started the blog and FB, I might not get to the other stuff anyway:-)

Angel Reuther said...

I came over to your blog from Gayle's "Grocery Cart Challenge". I was looking through her archives and found your post on homemade liquid hand soap. :) Anyway, just had to say hi from a fellow First Classer. We are at the West Side Clark County co-op in Vancouver. We have participated since my daughter started school in 2006 and it's the highlight of her week. Hope your session is going great. :)