Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yard Work

The weeds have taken over our backyard, so we decided it was time to fight and conquer!!

Allen decided to remove a small stump in the corner of the yard, after all it would be a simple job, right??


He has been digging and whacking on the stump, and its many roots, for 3 days.

I am not sure if he is removing the stump or digging a moat.

I suppose one of these days the stump will be gone!!
The question is: "What do we do with the big hole???"
I guess a swimming pool would be nice!


Sarah Mae said...

Haha! Now you just need a dragon for the middle! :)

Leingang Family said...

I love your new blog! It was good to catch up on what's up at your place.

By the way, I love your soap label!