Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Goal

OK, you all, I am going to make myself accountable to a few more people!!
If you look closely at our family picture at the top of my blog you will see that I am a little fluffy!!! (Which is exactly why the girls are standing right in front of me!!!) My goal is to lose a total of 30 pounds by Thanksgiving!! So far I have lost around 15!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!! Go me. I am not going cuckoo with this, but I am walking approx. 30-40 minutes every day, and reduced my desserts to one day a week.
I am telling you right now that the thing I absolutely crave the most is Reese's peanut butter cups. YUM!

I tried on a shirt today that I have had for a couple of years (or longer) and believe it or not the thing actually fit!! It was a little tight in the arms, but at least the chest area looked normal!! It was a very good feeling!!

Anywho's that is my goal and now it is out for the whole world to see.

Yes, I know I used way too many exclamation points in this post, but when you are talking about losing weight they just gotta be included!!!!!!


Leingang Family said...

Yeah! You go girl!!!!

By the way, I love your new picture!

I will be praying for you guys, a lot!

Love ya!

Heather & Chaos said...

Good for you!!!! Congrats on the loss so far!!