Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I would love to be able to sit down at my computer and ramble on about everything that has happened today, but, I am not sure what was accomplished today, so I will tell you what did not get done.
*The multiplication CD that we misplaced did not get found
*My 30 minute walk did not get walked
*The laundry that is piling up did not get washed
*The dirty dishes did not get washed (yet)
*The floors did not get mopped (They did get mopped last Tuesday!!)
*The girls did not finish cleaning their bedroom

As I am typing this I did think of some things we did today and it makes me feel pretty good!!

*My craft table in my office got part way cleaned while looking for the Multiplication CD!!
*I cleaned out from under the girls' beds and got a good start on cleaning their room while looking for the multiplication CD!!
*Oldest daughter read a whole book on Christopher Columbus while waiting for me to find the multiplication CD!!
*Youngest daughter read a bunch of sight words to me since we couldn't find the Multiplication CD!!
*My husband went grocery shopping with me(after he got home!!
*I made dinner, and everyone liked it and got full!!
*I actually signed into my blog and wrote something!!
*And most importantly I was able to read my Bible study this morning before the day took off!!!!

I guess it wasn't a wasted day after all!!!

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